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One of the most common sexual positions has also been dubbed the most dangerous by a group of scientists.

 The woman-on-top position during intercourse was deemed responsible for half of all penile fractures sustained during sex in cases recorded at three hospitals, according to researchers in Brazil.

Scientists say this may be because the woman controls the penis with her entire body weight landing on it and is unable to interrupt it when it suffers a ‘wrong way penetration’. The harm is usually minor for her and with no pain - but major in the penis.

Positions involving the woman on all fours was involved in 29 per cent of fractures
Meanwhile, the safest position in the bedroom was revealed as the man-on-top or ‘missionary position’.

The authors examined the cases of the 44 men who attended three hospitals in the city of Campinas, Brazil, with a suspected fractured penis over a thirteen year period. Forty-two of the cases were confirmed by doctors.

Twenty-eight fractures were sustained during heterosexual sex, four during homosexual sex, six after “penis manipulation” and four in circumstances which remain unclear.

Half of the patients described hearing an audible crack and feeling pain after the incident. Most attended hospital within the next five or six hours.

The authors noted that the injury is relatively uncommon and can cause embarrassment among those who do suffer a fractured penis, meaning they often put off seeking medical treatment.

The paper concluded: "Our study supports the fact that sexual intercourse with 'woman on top' is the potentially riskiest sexual position related to penile fracture.

"When the man is controlling the movement, he has better chances of stopping the penetration energy in response to the pain related to the penis harm, minimising it."
Mkazi wa Kitangiri jijini Mwanza, Biera Edwin (22) amelazwa katika Hospitali ya Rufaa ya jiji  Sekou Toure akipatiwa matibabu baada ya kujeruhiwa vibaya sehemu mbalimbali za mwili wake kwa tuhuma za kuwa na mahusiano ya kimapenzi na mume wa mtu.

Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Mwanza, Valentino Mlowola hakupatikana kuzungumzia tukio hilo, lakini Biera mwenyewe alisema kabla ya kufanyiwa kitendo hicho mama ambaye ni jirani yao
alimtuma mtoto wake amwite nyumbani kwao, alipokwenda mama huyo alianza kumshambulia.
Alisema alimshambulia akishirikiana na marafiki zake na kumjeruhi vibaya kwa nyaya za umeme, kumwingizia chupa kwenye sehemu zake za siri na baadaye kuchoma nguo zake.

Binti huyu kwa sasa amelazwa katika wadi ya majeruhi kwenye Hospitali ya Mkoa wa Mwanza Sekou Toure akipatiwa matibabu na alisema baada ya kufanyiwa ukatili huo pia waliteketeza nguo zake kwa moto.

Kamanda wa polisi mkoa wa mwanza,Valentino mlowola

Naye dada wa majeruhi, Nice Cosmas anaeleza kuwa akiwa nyumbani kwao, mama huyo wa jirani alituma watoto wake ambao walieleza kuwa wakamchukue mtu wao.
Alisema walipokwenda hapo jirani alimkuta ndugu yake akiwa hana nguo huku akiwa amejeruhiwa sehemu mbalimbali za mwili wake.

Alisema walilazimika kurudi nyumbani kumchukulia nguo za kumvisha na kisha kutoa taarifa kwa mamlaka husika kabla ya kumpeleka hospitali kwa matibabu.

Baadhi ya viongozi wa mtaa wa Kitangiri A walisikitishwa na kitendo hicho na kuomba vyombo vya sheria kuwachukulia hatua kali wahusika.

Mwenyekiti wa Mtaa wa Kitangiri A, Issa Salum alisema wanataka haki itendeke kwani kitendo hicho ni nusu ya mauaji.

Naye Mjumbe wa Serikali za Mitaa, Mariam Yusuf alisema mama huyo wa jirani alipaswa kutoa taarifa kwa mabalozi ama kwa wazazi wa binti huyo kama alikuwa na uhakika na madai yake kabla ya kuchukua ukatili dhidi ya binti huyo.
Utafiti uliofanywa na chuo kimoja kikuu nchini Marekani, imebainisha kama ukitaka kujua iwapo mwanamke amevutiwa na wewe, inabidi uangalie zaidi ishara kuliko maongezi, na hii kuhitimisha wanawake huongea tofauti na wanachomaanisha. zifuatazo ni ishara kumi zilizothibitishwa na watafiti pamoja na wanasayansi ambazo mwanamke hufanya pindi anapovutiwa na wewe akiwa anajijua au hakiwa hajijui ili kukuonyesha kama amevutika nawe. 

"Wanasayansi wamethibitisha mawasiliano ya watu wanaokutana kwa mara ya kwanza hutegemea zaidi ishara za kimwili, ambapo asilimia 55% huwa ni kwa kutumia ishara, asilimia 38% yakiwa maongezi ya kutumia sauti pamoja na asilimia 7% ikiwa vitu ambavyo haviendani kabisa na unachokiongea."

Jifunze ishara hizi na maisha yako ya kimahusiano yatabadilika kwa hali ambayo hautaitarajia.
#10; Anashika au kupikicha nywele. 
Kwa zaidi ya miaka 40, watafiti wamenyumbuisha tabia wanazozifanya wanawake kukujulisha wamevutiwa na wewe, iwapo mwanamke akizishika shika nywele zake kwa muda mfupi inaweza kuwa ishara ya kukupa taarifa ya kuwa anafurahia uwepo wako, ila akiendelea kuzichezea kwa muda mrefu inawezekana akawa katika hali ya kutokujiamini au hakuamini wewe.

#9; Anauma midomo yake. 
Tabia hii mwanamke huifanya ili kuhamisha fikra zako kuelekea kwenye midomo yake, inaweza maanisha ukienda na ukiwa mchombezaji mzuri mabusu yanaweza kuwa ya kufikia, inabidi uwe mwangalifu sana wakati wa kuitambua hii tabia na akiwa anauma midomo yake kwa muda inamaanisha amevutiwa nawe ila kuuma midomo mara kwa mara inaweza onyesha ndio mazoea yake, kwa hiyo kuwa makini kutofautisha kati ya hizo tabia mbili.

#8; Anacheka cheka, kukusumbua na kukuangalia kwa macho mazuri. 
Hii tabia zipo pande zote mbili, hata wanaume pia huifanya ila kwa wanawake wanaweza pia kuitumia ili kukujua nia yako kwao, kwa hio usiichukulie kwa haraka sana inawezekana anakujaribu tu.

#7; Anakukaribia sana kimwili. 
Ukaribu tunao karibia watu inategemeana na mahusiano yetu kwao, ukimkaribia mtu sana huwa mara zote ni katika hali ya upendo, kwahio mwanamke akikukaribia sana inawezekana akawa anafanya hivyo ili upendezwe naye zaidi, inabidi kabla hujafanya maamuzi yeyote hakikisha umehakikisha mkaribio wake kwako sio wa hali ya kikawaida, na unaweza hakikisha kwa kusogea kidogo ili kumtegeshea kama atasogea tena huku ukiwa na tabasamu usoni.

#6; Anachangia unachozungumza na kuongelea kuhusu mambo yake binafsi. 
Baada ya kufanya mazungumzo kwa muda na kunoga, jaribu kupeleka mambo mbele kwa kuanzisha mada ambayo inahusu maisha yako binafsi ila hakikisha mada isiwe ya ndani sana na isiwe inaelekea kana kwamba unataka kumjua kwa undani na maelezo yake yasiwe yanamlenga, hii itamfanya ajisikie huru na kutokuogopa, iwapo mambo yakienda vizuri na amevutika nawe utaona na yeye anachangia kwa kutoa mada inayohusu mambo yake binafsi, watu huwa wanaongea kuhusu mambo ya ndani kwa watu wanaowapenda na kujisikia huru mbele yao.

Iwapo maongezi haya mkiyafanya huku mnakula chipsi kwa pamoja itafanya mambo yaende vizuri zaidi, kutumia vitu pamoja huongeza ukaribu na maelewano zaidi.

#5; Anakua na urafiki wa kimaongezi wakati mnaongea. 
Sahau kuhusu mistari ya kutongozea ulioifanyia mazoezi, ikija kwenye kuangalia hamasa ya mwanamke kwako, huangalii jinsi unavyomsifia, unaangalia mapokeo ya maneno unayomwambia, mwanamke akikujibu hata kama kwenye hali ya kukataa jambo, akikujibu kwa sauti ya upole na laini ujue amependezwa nawe, kwahiyo usiwahi kuondoka kutoka katika mazingira hayo au sehemu hiyo, ila akikujibu kwa sauti ya ukali, tafuta pakutokea.

Ili kuondokana na kupoteza muda kutongoza mwanamke ambaye havutiwi na wewe, jaribu kwa kuanza na maswali rahisi ambayo majibu yake ni rahisi, kwa njia hii utajua kama kapendezwa na wewe au vipi, kama hajapendezwa na wewe utaona anakuondoa kwenye maongezi ila aliyependezwa na wewe ataendelea na maongezi.
#4; Anakua katika mkao wa mwaliko kimaongezi.
Mwanamke akiwa amependezwa na wewe huwa anakua amekaa mkao wa mwaliko wa kimaongezi, akikuangalia anakua na macho ya kiurafiki na si ya ukali na hata ukiwa mbali utajua kwamba pozi na macho yake vinakuita.
#3; Anakua na ishara unazozifanya wewe. 
Mwanamke akipendezwa nawe, atakua anajibu mapokeo ya ishara zako unazotoa, kwa mfano ukitabasamu na yeye utamuona anatabasamu vile vile, ukicheka na yeye atakufatiliza hivyo hivyo. 

#2; Anapindisha kichwa kidogo na kutabasamu. 
Watafiti wamebainisha mwanamke akipindisha kichwa kidogo na kuachia sehemu ya shingo yake kuonekana kidogo ikifuatiwa na tabasamu mara nyingi anakua amevutiwa na anachokiangalia.

#1; Anachezesha macho. 
Kukutanisha macho ni kitendo cha ukaribu kwa binadamu, kurudia rudia au kuendeleza kukutanisha macho huwa kuna maana kuu mbili, kwanza kuonyesha hali ya mguso kihisia, na pili kuonyesha hali ya jazba. Ili kujua kama analo hitaji la kuongea nawe, angalia jinsi anavyochezesha na kukutanisha macho na wewe, utakuta mnakutanisha macho zaidi ya mara kadhaa na kukiwa na tabasamu nyingi, kama ukiona mmekutanisha macho halafu akaacha kukuangalia tena jua huyo hajavutika na wewe, na isiwe na shaka sana maana mara nyingi kitu hichi huweza kutokea bila ya wewe kukitambua.
Ikiwa ni wiki 2 tu zimepita baada ya bibi aliyedhaniwa kuwa mchawi (80) kukutwa nje ya nyumba ya mtu akiwa uchi hajitambui katika mtaa wa Mageuzi kata ya Ndembeza mjini Shinyanga,matukio yanayohusishwa na imani za kishirikina yameendelea kuacha watu midomo wazi ambapo  leo asubuhi binti anayekadiriwa kuwa na umri wa miaka 23- 25 aliyedaiwa kuwa mchawi amekutwa hajitambui akiwa amevaa nguo nyeusi,kashikilia chungu kidogo kwenye mlango wa nyumba ya mtu katika mtaa wa Bushushu kata ya Lubaga katika manispaa ya Shinyanga huku akidai kuwa amefika mahali hapo kwa kutumia chungu

 Wakazi wa Shinyanga wakiwa eneo la tukio nje ya nyumba aliponasa binti huyo anayedhaniwa kuwa mchawi kutokana na nguo alizovaa na dawa nyeusi alizopaka kwenye mwili wake.Binti huyo kwamba alifika mahali hapo na wenzake kufanya sherehe baada ya kufanikisha uchawi wao wa kuharibu ndoa ya Massawe aliyegoma kuoa ndugu yao na badala yake akaoa mwanamke mwingine.
 Tukio hili limetokea leo asubuhi katika mtaa wa Bushushu nyumbani kwa Robinson Massawe ambapo binti huyo alikutwa amelala mbele ya mlango wa nyumba hiyo akiwa hajitambui na baada ya kusemeshwa ndipo akasimulia yaliyomkuta kwamba alifika mahali hapo na wenzake zaidi ya 10 kutoka kanda ya ziwa kufanya sherehe baada ya kufanikisha uchawi wao wa kuharibu ndoa ya Massawe ili ndugu yao aolewe na baba wa familia hiyo.Kwa mujibu wa ndugu wa baba mwenye nyumba wameiambia Malunde1 blog kuwa kweli ndoa hiyo ilivunjika tangu tarehe 17.9.2014

Pichani binti aliyejitambulisha kwa jina la Coletha akiwa amevaa kishirikina huku mwili wake ukiwa umepakwa dawa nyeusi akidai  kuwa alikuwa anaongoza wenzake zaidi ya 10 Geita,Mwanza na Shinyanga kuwanga katika nyumba hiyo.Baada ya kukutwa hapo mlangoni wakazi wa eneo hilo walifika eneo la tukio kisha mwenyekiti wa mtaa huo Ruben Masanja akimwomba mwenye nyumba amruhusu binti aingie ndani kwa usalama wake

Mguu wa binti huyo aliyedai kutoka Ushirombo ukiwa umepakwa dawa nyeusi pamoja na usoni,mikononi na mgongoni.
Binti huyo amesema leo ni mara ya tatu wanakuja kufanya uchawi wao,lengo lao ni kutaka ndugu yao aolewe na Massawe,walikuja siku ya kwanza wakakuta mke wa Massawe akisali,wakashindwa,wakarudi kwa mara ya pili kwa ajili ya kusambaratisha ndoa,wakafanikiwa, leo yeye alikuwa kiongozi wa wachawi wengine walikuja kufanya sherehe kwa kazi nzuri waliyoifanya lakini wenzake wamemkimbia-

Wakazi wa Shinyanga wakichungulia kwenye madirisha kuona kinachoendelea ndani

ambapo baada ya kumhoji binti huyo alisema alifika kwenye familia hiyo,akiwa kiongozi wa kundi la wachawi zaidi ya 10 kutoka Ushirombo,Misungwi na Shinyanga wakitumia vyungu na ungo majira ya saa 9 usiku kwa ajili ya kufanya sherehe baada ya kufanikiwa kusambaratisha kichawi ndoa ya Massawe na Mary Joseph.

 Askari polisi  kutoka jeshi la polisi mkoa wa Shinyanga wanaotumia pikipiki kuzunguka maeneo mbalimbali katika manispaa ya Shinyanga wakijadili jambo ndani ya nyumba alimohifadhiwa binti huyo

 Askari polisi wakimlinda Binti huyo asipigwe na wananchi waliofika eneo la tukio

Wananchi wakisubiri mchawi atoke ndani ya nyumba,,Aaskari polisi akimtoa ndani ya nyumba binti huyo ili kumpandisha kwenye gari la polisi
 Binti akiondolewa eneo la tukio
 Binti akiwa ndani ya gari la polisi
 Gari la polisi likiondoka eneo la tukio
Wakazi wa Shinyanga wakiondoka eneo la tukio-

Picha yenye mvuto zaidi ya Jokate aliyoshare insta ni shida kama unavyo iyona hapa chini amakweli kilichoumbwa lazima kiumbike kiukweli..

Wanayoyajua mapenzi wanasema,,,Wapenzi wanapokuwa mahali pamoja ni sawa na watoto tu maana mambo wanayoyafanya huwa katika hali ya kawaida na watu wazima wenye akili zao hawawezi kufanya ila tu kwasababu ya kupenda basi inatufanya tujisikie furaha na wale tunaokuwa nao..
Naili ufurahie haya Mapenzi basi huna budi kufurahi na mpemzi wako na kuwa kama mtoto bila kujali ni nini au utaonekanaje cha msingi ni kumfurahisha yule unaye mpenda..Nakulinda penzi lako

Baada ya kupotea kwa muda mrefu, staa wa sinema na muziki wa Bongo Fleva, Snura Mushi hatimaye ameibuka na kueleza sababu za ukimya wake.

Akizungumza na mwandishi wetu katika mahojiano, Snura amefunguka kwamba ukimya wake ulitokana na kwenda Afrika Kusini ‘Sauz’ kushuti video ya wimbo wake wa Najidabua na siyo kweli kwamba alikuwa mkoani Mbeya kwa mwanaume.
Katika intavyu hiyo, Snura alikanusha tetesi za kuzaa mtoto wa pili na kusisitiza ana mtoto mmoja na wanaosema maneno hayo wamekosa la kusema. 

mwandishi wetu: Huoni kukaa kwako kimya mashabiki wamekusahau?Snura: Hawajanisahau kabisa na hilo nililithibitisha hivi karibuni kwenye shoo niliyofanya Msasani Club (Dar), ambapo walijaa tofauti na mwanzo japokuwa mwanzoni kabla ya shoo nilikuwa nawaza wamenisahau.

Walifurahi sana kwani kwa sasa nimekuja na staili tofauti ya kukata mauno ambayo inatambulika kwa jina la Mauno ya Panya Road, yaani haya ni hatari.

mwandishi wetu: Kuna habari kwamba wewe na mpenzi wako DJ Hunter wa Mbeya mmeachana, hili likoje?

Snura: Unajua katika maisha yangu Hunter ndiye mwanaume wa kwanza kumuanika na sikuwahi kuanika mapenzi yangu kabisa kabla ya hapo. Sasa baada ya kuwa tunatupia picha mbalimbali kwenye mitandao watu walinifuata na kunieleza kwamba ninavyofanya siyo vizuri.
Nilichukua ushauri wao na kuufanyia kazi na mpenzi wangu nikamwambia, tukaacha tabia hiyo. Hali hiyo ya kutokuweka picha ndiyo iliyozusha maneno kibao kwamba tumeachana lakini siyo kweli.

Mwandishi wetu: Hivi huoni kwamba Shilole amekufunika kwa sasa wakati wewe ulikuwa juu zaidi yake?
Snura: Hicho kitu hakipo na Shilole hawezi kunifunika kwani najua kwamba siku zote mbuyu hauwezi kugeuka mchicha.
One of the most common sexual positions has also been dubbed the most dangerous by a group of scientists.
 The woman-on-top position during intercourse was deemed responsible for half of all penile fractures sustained during sex in cases recorded at three hospitals, according to researchers in Brazil.

Scientists say this may be because the woman controls the penis with her entire body weight landing on it and is unable to interrupt it when it suffers a ‘wrong way penetration’. The harm is usually minor for her and with no pain - but major in the penis.

Positions involving the woman on all fours was involved in 29 per cent of fractures
Meanwhile, the safest position in the bedroom was revealed as the man-on-top or ‘missionary position’.

The authors examined the cases of the 44 men who attended three hospitals in the city of Campinas, Brazil, with a suspected fractured penis over a thirteen year period. Forty-two of the cases were confirmed by doctors.

Twenty-eight fractures were sustained during heterosexual sex, four during homosexual sex, six after “penis manipulation” and four in circumstances which remain unclear.

Half of the patients described hearing an audible crack and feeling pain after the incident. Most attended hospital within the next five or six hours.

The authors noted that the injury is relatively uncommon and can cause embarrassment among those who do suffer a fractured penis, meaning they often put off seeking medical treatment.

The paper concluded: "Our study supports the fact that sexual intercourse with 'woman on top' is the potentially riskiest sexual position related to penile fracture.

"When the man is controlling the movement, he has better chances of stopping the penetration energy in response to the pain related to the penis harm, minimising it."
Are the ladies giving you a hard time? Are you one of those men who have never been that suave ladies man but always wanted to be? Do you think the ladies are the problem? or is it you?

Author and professional pick up artist Joshua Pellicer has written a book that can help you overcome your fears of approaching women and will give you the skills to pick up any woman you want! He has appeared on many radio talk shows, television interviews and now hosts his own radio talk show called “Game On” which provides dating tips for men.

Does it work? Well… just listen to a few of his free tips with girls and strange facts in the video at the bottom of this article and you’ll totally get what I’m talking about… The guy is a friggin genius and I wish I had known about these tips a long time ago. I would have been able to take advantage of dozens of situations to easily nail it and get the girl.

The book is based on Joshua’s research in psychology, self help books and dating programs he has been through, and his experience.  Joshua himself proclaims to previously have been unsuccessful with women. He developed his own theory and system, based on a lot of research, which is now spreading like wild fire throughout the world and is being used by hundreds and thousands of men internationally. This book is literally a bestseller, and I must tell you, at first, I was very skeptical about this whole thing, but when the tips started flowing and I started realizing and understanding female behavior, it’s as if I became a lion hunting for prey. My self confidence has risen so much since I started using the techniques in his book. If you’re struggling with girls, you owe it to yourself. This book is a must-have for any 18+ single dude out-there, trust me on this one!

When you join this program, you’ll get a book and videos teaching you about how to alter your perception of women as well as what they are looking for in a man, to help you overcome your fear of approaching them. This is done in several ways:

First, Joshua breaks some myths about women’s expectations of men. He discusses common mistakes both men and women make in the dating world. Here are some examples:

It is a misconception that women are attracted to money. They are attracted to success, in whatever form that may be. Just because you do not have money does not mean the woman will not like you. Be confident.

It is not all about what magazines tell you about outer appearance. 97% of women say that bald heads can be sexy. 89% of women find that big, steroid muscles on men can be repulsive. It is not about your looks. It is about the vibe you give out. It is about attracting her.
He also teaches you how to exude confidence.

Pellicer teaches body language in both men and women. He teaches how to read a woman’s body language and send the messages you want with yours.

For example, here are some free tips I’m sharing with you, these tips will make a huge difference right away in your approach when you talk to a girl, and that’s just a small drop in the ocean of super cool and easy tips the dude has to share, so check these free tips out:

When approaching a woman, do not face your chest straight toward her too early. This can seem both intimidating and needy. Keep your chest slightly turned away at first.

When you are speaking with a woman, look at a her mouth. This is called a “sexual trigger” and makes the woman subconsciously think of sleeping with you. Do not do this the whole time, because she might think you are strange and creepy. But take glances at her lips occasionally.
In his book, Joshua also gives some unbelievable pick up lines as well as explaining how to hold a conversation that is sure to impress…

With these tips, rules, and guides (and many more within the book), Joshua states that he can turn most men into dating machines!

A fellow dating program author, Goran Nikilov, said “This  dating book for males is awesome but for those who do not know how to approach females it is a must, for the ones who have that fear of rejection in them – especially!”

The bottom line is that this guide will teach you how to attract a lot of women if you practice practice practice, but don’t expect it to work overnight.
Ugandans now have a reason to believe that not all that glitters is gold after watching Zari’s Skype sextape.

Red Pepper online understands that Zari’s Skype sextape was recorded last year.
In the Skype sextape, Zari is seen satisfying herself with a Dildo.

She was heard hissing and moaning whenever she inserts the dildo in her unshaven eclipse.

Oh, oh, yeah! Moaning is a way for people to communicate or express excitement and pleasure; Zari must have had total pleasure during the Skype sex session.

Women moan as a signal to let their partner know that the sensation feels good.
Zari uttered hissing sounds and made her body move freely as if she lost control and allowed herself to be part of the sexual and satisfying experience.

The worst turnoff in the Skype sextape, Zari tops the list of the driest babes on the planet.

As she slowly inserted her dildo in the bearded eclipse, we expected to see El Niño flowing uncontrollably from her eclipse. Zari is a walking combination of Kalahari and Sahara deserts.

Her dryness confirmed that she has low libido or she was not sexually aroused.
The other turnoff was her bushy eclipse that could be mistaken as Mabira forest.
Zari has today morning  blamed her ex lover for leaking the sextape.
 “Life goes exs gotta stay exs and stop doing things for renege,” Zari tweeted shortly after The Red Pepper published pictures of her sextape.  For exclusive pictures and a clear description of how Zari moans in bed, Please hurry and Grab Red Pepper copies of Friday and Saturday from the nearest vendor.

After her n#de photos licked, Desire Luzinda took the internet by storm even going ahead to land an interview with the likes of BBC and Daily mail.
Apparently she’s not about to stop there as there is more to come (brace yourself for more titties and ass). According to a popular blog, Luzinda was allegedly heard telling her friends how taking the  photos have transformed her life and how she was bound to go far. Far than where her sh**ty music could have taken her. She had finally discovered her passion and she was destined to pursue it.

She bragged how she looked so hot that even Kim Kardashian went ahead to pose n#de herself because she couldn’t stand the heat. “I’m more endowed and not only will I break down the internet but close it down.” she further stated.
Zimbabweans who applied but did not get the first special dispensation permits rolled out by the South African government in 2010 could number well above 30,000, and a greater number could miss out again.

As the Department of Home Affairs collates data in a bid to help those who are yet to get the documents they applied for four years ago, an inside source said some could miss out due to "confusion" in the department.

"We are talking about 30,000 people here - some have had their permits re-allocated and others were turned away because they could not produce some of their documents in time. There are also others who did eventually submit the missing documents, but those were misplaced. It has therefore been very difficult to locate some of the applications, although those people have produced proof that they did apply."

The DHA recently mandated pro-Zimbabwean organisations to compile and submit information on those who missed out of the first application process, including those who were initially disqualified.

"We call upon those who have not yet submitted their information to come forward because those who miss out this time will definitely not get the permits," said Africa Relief Initiatives chairman, Bongani Halimana. - Cnr Fife and Abel Streets, Berea, on +27 73 821 4341, +27 61 042 0900 ; +2771 973 1978.
Gokwe-Nembudziya member of parliament Justice Wadyajena has laid into Vice President Joice Mujuru, saying she "must heed First Lady Grace Mugabe's call to resign" over alleged corruption and abuse of office charges.

This was after he had been asked about his position on the current factional fights in Zanu PF and the motivation of emblazoning his red BMW sports utility with the Women's League-designate boss' images.

"I support President Robert Mugabe and the First Lady, and only opposed to corrupt officials, including the VP, out to destroy the president's legacy through palace coups," Wadyajena said.

"In fact, l do not make any apologies for the VP to resign, especially in the wake of overwhelming evidence of corruption, abuse of office and plots to unseat… our first secretary, who has sacrificed a lot for Zimbabwe. The Zanu PF leader is a gem the country cannot afford to lose and, therefore, any attempts to eject him were treasonous".

The Harare businessman's salvo comes as political temperatures have risen ahead of the party's December elective congress and Zimbabwe has witnessed a trend in which many high-value vehicles have been "drenched" in Grace Mugabe's images.
The Obama administration on Friday unveiled data showing that many Americans with health insurance bought under the Affordable Care Act could face substantial price increases next year in some cases as much as 20 percent unless they switch plans.

The data became available just hours before the health insurance marketplace was to open to buyers seeking insurance for 2015.

An analysis of the data by The New York Times suggests that although consumers will often be able to find new health plans with prices comparable to those they now pay, the situation varies greatly from state to state and even among counties in the same state.

“Consumers should shop around,” said Marilyn B. Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which runs the federal insurance exchange serving three dozen states. “With new options available this year, they’re likely to find a better deal.” She asserted that the data showed that “the Affordable Care Act is working.”

But Republicans quickly pounced on the data as evidence of the opposite.

“Last year, many who liked their plan were surprised to learn they couldn’t keep it,” said Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, who is in line to become chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. “This year, many who like their plan will likely have to pay more to keep it.”

The new data means that many of the seven million people who have bought insurance through federal and state exchanges will have to change to different health plans if they want to avoid paying more an inconvenience for consumers just becoming accustomed to their coverage.

A new Gallup Poll suggests that seven in 10 Americans with insurance bought through the exchanges rate the coverage and the care as excellent or good, and most were planning to keep it.

In employer-sponsored health plans, employees tend to stay with the same insurer from year to year. But for consumers in the public insurance exchanges, that will often be a mistake, experts said.

Nashville illustrates the need for people with marketplace coverage to look closely at the alternatives available in 2015.

A 40-year-old in Nashville, with the cheapest midlevel, or silver plan, will pay $220 a month next year, compared to $181 a month this year, for the same plan.

The least expensive plan is offered by another insurer, Community Health Alliance, one of the so-called co-op plans created under the federal law. It offers coverage for a monthly premium of $194.

But the lower premium means that consumers will have to pay a much larger annual deductible, $4,000, rather than $2,000. A policyholder who becomes seriously ill or has a costly chronic condition could pay hundreds of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses.

In addition, different health plans often have different networks of doctors and hospitals and cover different drugs, meaning that consumers who change plans may have to pay more for the same medicines.

Another problem for consumers is that if the price for a low-cost benchmark plan in the area has dropped, the amount of federal subsidies provided by the law could be less, meaning that consumers may have to pay more unless they switch plans.

The data, released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, indicates that price increases will be modest for many people willing to change plans. In a typical county, the price will rise 5 percent for the cheapest silver plan and 4 percent for the second cheapest.

Experts said the wide swings in prices were likely to continue. “Next year will see another reshuffling,” said Caroline F. Pearson, a vice president of Avalere Health, a research and consulting company. “Eventually, in a year or two, we will start to stabilize.”

The Times analysis found that premiums had increased much more sharply in places where fewer insurers were competing for customers. Prices for the lowest-cost silver plan increased by at least 5 percent in 89 percent of the counties with a single insurer. About a quarter of counties with one or two insurers saw an increase in rates of more than 10 percent. The analysis did not calculate how prices might change for people who keep their plans.

In 2015, as in 2014, large numbers of health plans have high deductibles the amount that consumers owe before the insurer starts to pay.

In Muscogee County, Ga., which includes Columbus, 74 health plans are available on the federal exchange. Fifty-two of the plans have deductibles of $2,500 or more, and 27 have deductibles of $5,000 or more.

The Internal Revenue Service defines a high-deductible plan as one with a deductible of $1,300 or more.

In Charleston, W.Va., the state capital, only 14 health plans are available, and all are offered by Highmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Half of the plans have deductibles of $2,500 or more, and one has a deductible of $5,000 or more.

In Jeff Davis County in West Texas, 17 plans are available. All but four have deductibles of $2,500 or more, and seven plans have deductibles of $5,000 or more. By contrast, Dallas residents have a choice of 64 plans, and in Houston, 71 are available.

In releasing the data, administration officials noted that more insurers had entered the market in many states. By the government’s count, 25 percent more insurers will be participating in the exchange next year, and consumers will have a choice of 40 different plans, on average, up from 31 this year.

New Hampshire shows how consumers may benefit from additional competition. In most of the state, the number of insurers is increasing to five in 2015, from just one this year. Prices for the lowest-cost silver plan have fallen by 14 percent.

But there remain large stretches of the country where consumers will still have a limited number of insurers to choose from.
Although you may not always love everything about your life, it’s important to be grateful for a new day, each day. You may have lots of problems and you may not feel happy this morning but you need to be grateful for the fact that you are alive and that you have another day to make your life happier. Everything and anything is possible in this life, you just need to believe in that.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t always believe we can change our lives; we often believe otherwise. Many people believe they’re not capable of living their lives the way they want to live them, and they accept their reality as others have told them it has to be.

If you want to live your life to the fullest, without regrets, you need to keep in mind that you always have a choice and you are the only person who can decide to let things make you happy or unhappy. If you choose to be happy, trust me, no one will make you unhappy. Read on to discover a few important things you should remind yourself of every morning to have a happier day, each day.

Things to Remind Yourself of Every Morning to Have a Happier Day

This day is a blessing
Just think of how many people die each day and you will realize that waking up to see another day to enjoy life is a real blessing. When you wake up in the morning, remind yourself that this day is a blessing. You get another day to breathe, enjoy life, and reach your goals.

This day can be happy, but only if you make it so
Stop feeling powerless and stop waiting for things to be given to you. It’s your life so make the most of it. If you want something to achieve – work for it. No matter what the weather, today is a good day, even if you have a bad mood. You always have the power to control your mood and you always have the power to have a productive and happy day, you just need to choose to have one.

 No one can hurt you today
Remember no one can hurt you today, unless you let them do it. If someone hurts you, don’t take it personally. Don’t allow insults to get to your heart and make sure you avoid toxic people. When you don’t take anything personally, you feel happier and nothing keeps your from reaching your goals. Learn to live your life without worrying about the judgments of others and you will become a much happier person.
4. Stay calm in tough situations

Staying calm and kind in difficult situations is a huge challenge. Tough situations can happen each day. The problem is, how are you going to respond to them? You may get upset and angry and this will ruin your entire day. Or, you may stay calm and kind, solve your problem faster and enjoy a happy day. The choice is yours. But remember, anger will never help solve problems. It can only make your life miserable.

You can control many things in your life
Sure, you can’t control everything in your life, but there are many things that you can control each day. Stop thinking that your life is out of your control. Take some time to make the list of the things you can control in life and look through this list every morning. You will see that you are a master of your life and you have the power to change anything about your life.

Success is a lifestyle, not a result
Everyone wants to be successful, but we often forget that success isn’t a specific achievement. Success is a lifestyle. It’s the ability to live life on your own terms no matter what. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” If you decide to be successful, you will be successful. Stay positive, work toward success and be proud of it each day.

You don’t need anyone’s approval
Remind yourself that you don’t need anyone’s approval to be successful and happy today. The need for approval can stop you from reaching your goals and rising higher. Don’t let anyone control your life. It may feel uncomfortable to say “no,” but if some people and obligations don’t add any value to your life, don’t be afraid to say “no” to them. Make the most of each day. Don’t wait around for someone else to give you permission to be happy and do what you want to do.

Complaining won’t help you become happier
If you are a constant complainer, you need to break this bad habit starting today. Complaining won’t help you become successful and happy. If you don’t like your current situation, don’t sit around complaining about it, start changing it instead. Stay positive in every situation and you will solve your problems faster without damaging your health. It has been proven that complaining is bad for the brain health. Moreover, it can affect your quality of life and ruin your relationships.

Good things in life end faster when you don’t appreciate them
We often tend to think that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, and others live much happier lives than we live. The reality is, the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence and you live a happy life – you just don’t appreciate it or simply don’t notice it. Learn to appreciate all the things you have in your life to live a more fulfilling life. Don’t wait for them to end before you begin appreciating them. Being grateful has its rewards. I recommend you to start your day with writing down at least 5 things, people, acts or events you are grateful for to have a happier day.

Healthy eating is the key to a longer life
Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell you to stick to a strict diet. But if you want to live a longer life, make sure you eat healthy foods daily. Avoid processed foods and try to boost your fruit and vegetable intake. Never skip your breakfast, and aim to eat smaller meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast will jumpstart your brain and help improve your productivity and focus throughout the morning. Eating small, healthy meals throughout the day will keep your tummy happy and healthy, and boost your energy levels and mood. I don’t know about you, but when I’m hungry I can’t be productive and happy, which is why I always have a nutritious breakfast and make smart snack choices throughout the day. It helps me to work better, feel better, and hopefully, live longer! The next time you wake up in the morning and don’t feel like eating your breakfast, remind yourself that healthy eating is the key to a longer, happier life.

There are many important things we need to remind ourselves of every morning. These are just a few things I remind myself in the morning and when I have a hard day. They help me remember that life is a wonderful thing no matter what. What are some of your favorite things to remind yourself of every morning to have a happier day?

Have you ever thought of giving yourself compliments every day? Many people believe there is no sense in it. If you’re one of them, I’m going to persuade you that giving yourself compliments is good for you. When you wake up, there is no need for negativity because a dark mind will only create a bad day. Start your day with these 8 compliments to keep your spirits up, and you will notice that your life isn’t as hard as it seems.

Amazing Compliments to Give Yourself Each Day

 I am beautiful
This is the first compliment to give yourself in the morning every day. Why? Because many women underestimate themselves and I thought it would be a great compliment to give ourselves in the morning. What do you like about yourself? It can be internal, such as the sense of humor, or external, such as your smile or the color of your eyes. When you are down on yourself, just choose at least two things that you are proud of. Even if no one notices your beauty, remember, it exists and one day, people around you will notice it!

 I am strong
You might have tears in your eyes or scars on your wrists, but you are strong. You’ve gotten through lots of miserable minutes, and you’ve managed to cope with different tough situations. Another compliment to give yourself each morning is that you are a strong and capable person who can cope with the worst things. I know from personal experience how it’s difficult to stay strong when things go wrong and no one believes in you or no one helps you. But I always remind myself that I’m a strong woman and nothing can bring me down.

 My life means something
This compliment is highly important, especially for those who can’t find their meaning in life. It’s not possible to know what actually you’re born to do. You might be meant to be a famous actress or meant to raise a big family. No matter what you’re born to do, you should trust that there’s an important reason behind your existence. You are not useless. You are a beautiful and clever person who will certainly find their place in life.

I am alive
Yes, this may not sound like a good compliment, but indeed it is. While life is tough, dull, and draining, you are still alive and you are living life on a wonderful planet, surrounded by wonderful people. When you are alive, you have lots of amazing opportunities open to you. Just enjoy your life!

 I am intelligent
You might not be book smart and perhaps you didn’t get high grades in school and college, but you are brilliant in your own way. You might be more gifted when it comes to knowing celebrity gossip, or remembering sports statistics. All of us have an absolutely different set of knowledge, and all of us are intelligent. If you don’t consider yourself an intelligent person, you should learn to appreciate yourself. Just because your friend has a well-paid job doesn’t mean they are smarter or happier than you. Money doesn’t make anyone happy!

I am loved
Even if you don’t have a partner, you are still loved. Love comes in many forms. Some people love you romantically while others love you like a daughter or sister. When it comes to affection, never be greedy. Appreciate sincerely any love you get in your life, and never take it for granted. Love is special, no matter whether this love is given to you by one person or one hundred. Remember it! If you are absolutely lonely, consider adopting or buying a pet, and you will instantly feel that you are loved. Pet’s love is probably the most sincere!

I am in charge of my own life
This is another wonderful compliment to give yourself every single day. There’s always going to be someone in your life who has control over you, like your mom, dad, teacher, elder sibling, or boss. But you are in charge of your life, you can do almost everything you want to do, and you can make your own decisions. Don’t let anyone and anything control your life!

I am happy
While there are times when you have to go through difficult situations, you should never forget how happy you are. Happiness is within you, you don’t have to pursue it. Just decide to be happy, and you will be. I know easier said than done, but give it a whirl and you won’t regret you did. Every morning smile and remind yourself of how happy and lucky you are. All your problems and troubles will disappear in a jiff!

It’s a bad habit to start the morning off with negative thoughts. Never do this, because your pessimism will ruin your whole day. Think of your best quality and don’t be afraid to compliment yourself. Giving yourself a small compliment each day helps you love yourself and always stay positive! Which compliments do you give yourself? Please share your thoughts and thanks for reading!

You may find it difficult to create a perfect fitness routine, especially if you’ve never exercised before. However, it’s not that hard if you’re guided by some tips. An ideal fitness routine implies a wise and detailed plan of your workouts with different types of activities. Read on to learn 10 easy ways to develop your ideal fitness program.

Easy Ways to Create a Perfect Fitness Routine

Set goals
When planning your fitness routine, the most important thing to do is to set goals and stay motivated. People exercise for various reasons. Many people want to lose weight, while others want to tone up their body. If you haven’t exercised for a long time, remember to start with small steps and easy goals. Your goals should be achievable and realistic so that you stay inspired and motivated with your accomplishments. To begin with you should assess your fitness level and break your fitness routine into appropriate short-term, intermediate and long-term goals.

 Create a plan
It’s always easier to stick to a program when it’s put down. When you come up with all the activities you want to include in your fitness routine, it’s time to arrange them. Decide what you are going to do each day during the week and don’t forget to devote one day to rest. Don’t start exercising with frantic pace; it’s crucial to develop your endurance and strength gradually. As you progress, don’t forget to refresh and alter your fitness program.

Make your fitness routine fun
Making your fitness routine fun is the sure way to gain great results. Being involved in workouts with your kids, friends or co-workers may become something you will look forward to. Encourage your neighbors to join a local soccer team. Outdoor trainings in the fresh air and sunshine will promote your cheerful mood.

 Choose the appropriate sports gear
Right fitness clothing is essential when you want to start a new fitness routine. Remember that fitness gear is not about looking good; your clothing should correspond to your workouts, be comfortable and fit well. Pay attention to your bra; your bust contains no muscle tissue thus it needs an additional support during your trainings. Sports shoes are another thing you should choose wisely. A good pair of running shoes should have solid soles, fit perfectly and conform to your workouts. Ask an assistant at a fitness shop to help you with your sports gear.

Cardio is the best start
While developing a fitness program you should pay special attention to your heart health. Cardio is the best way to improve your cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure and strengthen your immunity. 30 to 40 minutes of cardio four times a week will be enough to be in good shape. Opt for any continuous and rhythmic activity such as swimming, dancing, brisk walking or running.

Consider calisthenics
Vary your fitness program and keep your muscles toned by adding two or three sessions of calisthenics per week. Calisthenics require no equipment and it’s available everywhere at any time. Calisthenics will help you achieve a natural looking body and build up all muscle groups evenly. Opt for crunches, push-ups, lunges or just a jumping rope.

Add weights
Most women believe that weight training will result in ugly, bulging muscles; therefore they avoid this type of exercise. But weight trainings are the best way to work all main muscle groups including legs, buttocks, arms and core. Start with two or three 20 minute weight trainings a week but make sure you use light weights. Weight trainings are rather traumatic when done improperly. Thus you’ll need a fitness specialist to work with in order to avoid sprains, fractures and strains.

Non-weight-bearing trainings
Everything that is done sitting is considered non-weight-bearing exercises. This type of physical activities is especially beneficial to those who strive for upper-body trainings since non-weight-bearing exercises don’t imply the work of legs during the trainings. Seated strength exercises, swimming, biking and water resistance trainings are perfect options to add to your fitness program.

Give weight-bearing exercise a try
Adding weight-bearing exercises to your fitness routine is the best way to build strong bones and sculptured body. Using resistance bands, lifting dumbbells or doing any type of activity that places force on your bones will go. Working with your own weight is also a good way to build muscles and strengthen your bones. That’s why don’t overlook stair climbing and lifting your grocery bags.

 Yoga time
Not only will yoga help you gain flexibility and toned muscles, it will also improve your sleep and relieve stress. The most important rule to follow is to do yoga regularly. 20 minute yoga sessions will help to achieve an excellent result if done daily. Surprisingly, but yoga also helps to burn calories, especially when it follows the weight trainings.

A detailed and efficient fitness plan is a pledge of your success. Follow these useful tips and develop a fitness program that wholly suits your goals. Make your fitness routine fun and always stay motivated and enthusiastic about your exercises!

Living a fast life often leaves no time to make a pause and put your life in order. Sooner or later you find out that you’re overwhelmed with tasks, you have no time for your personal life and you just can’t cope with anything. A few years ago I experienced exactly the same situation. I felt like my life was full of unnecessary stuff, which prevented me from focusing on something really important. I just seemed to lose control over my life. If you feel the same, it’s time to simplify your life. The earlier you start doing it, the earlier you feel happy and content. Changing your habits and way of life isn’t so hard if you know some tips and tricks. Read on to find out efficient ways to unclutter your life.

Start with your home
Indeed, if you want to unclutter your life you should start with something simpler, for example your home. The way you arrange your routines or household items reflects how organized you’re. No wonder you feel distracted if you live in a messy house. I didn’t believe it, but creating order in your house can create order in your mind. Devote a weekend to unclutter your rooms, closet, kitchen. Clean everything thoroughly and throw out old, unnecessary and broken things that just clutter your dwelling. If you work from home, organizing your desk is of critical importance. You should get rid of unnecessary programs and files on your computer as well. When you finish with your home, you can move on to more complicated things.

Accomplish what is undone
You might not notice that, but every task that you put off gradually develop into a huge pile of undone things. Even if you don’t think about them, the feeling that something should be accomplished drains your energy and strength. To call a classmate, start learning a new language daily, buy a gym membership…the list may be endless and it depends only on your imagination. Unless you carry out all the undone tasks you will feel overwhelmed and helpless. Try to list everything you should do and make a point of fulfilling at least several tasks a day. It requires a lot of courage, but when you finish with the last point from the list you will definitely breathe easier.

Reconsider your friends list
Your surrounding has major effect on your well-being, mindset and behavior. While some friends encourage you to be a better person, there are many toxic people who undermine your self-esteem and just waste your time. Keep your friends list simple. Delete phone numbers of people you don’t communicate with, limit your appointments and maintain relationship only with those who make you feel comfortable. Understand that you owe people nothing. And you shouldn’t feel guilty just because you don’t want to get along with someone. Don’t forget to check your friends list on Facebook either. I bet you hardly know the half of the people. Trimming your friends list will greatly help you to unclutter your life.

Find out your ultimate goal
If you live without a sense of purpose you risk wasting your time on utterly wrong things. Sure, you cannot create a detailed plan of your life for many years ahead. But if you really want to unclutter your life, you do need a blueprint. Learn to set goals and see your destination. This way, you’ll scarcely lose the direction or get lost in your life. Having an ultimate goal makes you get up earlier with determination and work hard each day. It’s the source of motivation and inspiration. Moreover, if you know your priorities you won’t spend time on useless things and have more time to concentrate on reaching your goal.

 Learn to be self-disciplined and organized
It’s really problematic for most people, and I was no exception. Nobody has more than 24 hours a day, but the fact is that some people manage to do a lot during this time, while others cannot get done anything. I always lacked a sense of discipline and it took me lots of time and efforts to develop this feature. First of all, you should start planning your week on Sunday evening. Develop a habit to wake up and go to bed at the same time every single day. Organize your household chores and you’ll see how simple the life can be. Don’t think that being organized is boring. You can always alter your plans and carve out time for something else. Being organized just means you take control over your time and life.

Consider taking a break
If you cannot push forward, consider taking a short break to think over your life. Sometimes people feel overwhelmed because they do the wrong job or maintain a toxic relationship. You need some time to realize it. A short break will help you look at your life from another perspective and see everything that you should change. Perhaps, you just need to get enough sleep and restore your energy. Chances are that you return an absolutely different person with a wealth of fresh ideas and enthusiasm. After a break you’ll find it easier to unclutter your life and keep it simple.

Learn to ignore
People constantly live a stressful life and they desperately try to eliminate stress factors. In fact you’ll never eliminate stressors from your life no matter how hard you try. You should just change your attitude. In other words, you should learn to ignore a great deal of things in your life to feel happy and satisfied. People often worry about situations that they cannot control, which also makes them feel overwhelmed. You should understand what is really important to you and what can be neglected. Life is simpler than you may think.

Uncluttering your life is a great challenge that requires a lot of time and efforts. But when you manage to put your life in order, you should do your best not to slack off. Once you develop a system, stick to it and enjoy yourself. Make use of these tips to achieve peace of mind and create a more enjoyable life. If you have any other tips, share them with me, please.
EVERYONE needs love, but for Simeon Muchemedzi, love has been elusive.

His last attempt to fall in love was at the age of 36 when angry parents of his 15-year-old lover set dogs on him in Ascot, Gweru.

Muchemedzi, now, 50, has vowed not to let his deep need for a partner threaten his dear life.

But for someone who has already gone past the middle ages as a single man, societal pressure to marry has more than intensified and Muchemedzi has found himself searching again. Being a bachelor and a virgin at 50 is something that attracts scorn from youths of today who lose their virginity at puberty.

For Muchemedzi, a pastor at a local church, virginity is a gift he wants to give his bride on their honeymoon.

Virginity is no longer that sacred as the present generation has not kept it sacrosanct. Virginity soaps for girls now litter the streets. The soaps are used to hoodwink suitors who are obsessed by the 'old' phenomenon kept sacred by the past generations.

When the news crew interviewed Muchemedzi  about his newspaper vending business, the bachelor was hopeful  one day he would find a bride who preferably should be a virgin.

A chat with the clergyman leaves you in stitches as he tells his untold story of celibacy for 50 long years. At his age, Muchemedzi should be having grandchildren, running around him and asking for folktales, but he is lonely.

"I tried the love game when I proposed a Form 3 student from Ascot, but the parents threatened to beat me up and set dogs on me. In fear, I ran away and never found the love of my life. She is probably married now," Muchemedzi said.

Strangely, Muchemedzi prefers school girls and never bothered himself with single mothers or divorcees of his age.

"I want to marry a virgin like myself and you can only find those in school. I think I can settle for an 18-year-old girl," he chuckled.

Staying alone at that age means doing virtually everything for oneself and Muchemedzi, who says he is a devout Christian, enjoys cooking.

"I am self-sufficient and happy too. I make sure I live a comfortable, stress free life," he said.

Facing stigma from society, Muchemedzi is always viewed as a weird person by neighbours who taunt him. Muchemedzi who led a breakaway group from a well-known church said he has not yet found a suitable wife from his congregation.

Still searching at a cool 50, Muchemedzi would go to the ends of the earth to find love which nature has not been fair enough to afford him.

"I know that one day she will come and I am still waiting. I do not want to get married for convenience’s sake  because that is not right. Neither do I want to divorce my wife when I eventually get married," he said.

The search for a bride goes on for the bachelor who hopes to walk down the aisle with the love of his life one of these fines days.
Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday hinted that Nelson Chamisa could be co-opted into the MDC national executive.

The former prime minister said in an exclusive interview in Harare yesterday that the 36-year-old's sudden fall from power does not mean he stops taking a prominent role in the MDC.

Chamisa, touted as a potential successor to Tsvangirai, is the highest-ranking MDC official to lose re-election to a challenger since the movement rose to prominence in 1999. It is likely to go down as one of the most stunning defeats in MDC history.

Chamisa lost to Douglas Mwonzora, who is now the new MDC secretary-general.

"Nelson Chamisa, (Tapiwa) Mashakada, whoever may have felt they have not succeeded; they are leaders of the party," said Tsvangirai, while also referring to Mashakada's loss to Theresa Makone in the hot-contest for the treasurer-general's post.

"They cannot just be card-carrying members. They have responsibilities to carry out. Losing a position does not mean you lose your role in the struggle. You can be deployed elsewhere."

Tsvangirai said Chamisa's loss was a repeat of the stunning upset at the 2011 MDC congress held in Bulawayo, in which party veteran Elias Mudzuri lost the organising secretary post to Chamisa.

"In 2011, (Elias) Mudzuri was not elected as organising secretary. We co-opted him into the executive. He played his role in the executive effectively," Tsvangirai said.

Supporters of the Kuwadzana East MP allege that Chamisa resisted a raft of constitutional changes that had been proposed by Tsvangirai, and which were meant to dilute the powers of the secretary-general and centralise power in the MDC leader's office.

This allegedly did not sit well with Tsvangirai and his supporters. But Tsvangirai denied that there was a rift between him and Chamisa.

"There is no fallout between me and Chamisa, everyone knows. I don't know why people want to find fissures that don't exist," he said.

Describing his relationship with Chamisa as a "father-son" relationship, Tsvangirai said  the former student leader, who had until the weekend never lost an election since helping form the MDC in 1999, could still rebound.

"Well, it's a sad outcome, you know my relationship with Nelson goes beyond just national, it's personal; it's a father-son relationship. However, I want to say that it's a temporary setback. I am sure he is young enough to rebound," Tsvangirai said.

Ominously for Chamisa, the weekend party congress had resolved to concentrate power in the MDC leader's office ahead of the ballot. But Tsvangirai denied accusations that he was centralising power in his office. He said sometimes instability arises because of confusion of roles.

"And you need role clarity to ensure there is more coherence than situations where there appears to be competition rather than cooperation. I am a believer in democracy. I have fought a dictatorship all my life. I cannot believe that centralising power in an individual is helpful to the organisation," Tsvangirai said.

Vice President Mujuru to get arrested soon, dummy docket already prepared A Zanu PF faction led by Emmerson Mnangagwa is allegedly pushing for the prosecution of their bitter rival, Joice Mujuru, ahead of next month's congress.

According to the weekly strategists, who include several legal and academic brains,  they are convinced that the arrest and subsequent trial for corruption would severely embarrass and weaken Mujuru, who heads the rival camp.

"Mnangagwa and his supporters are sensing victory over Mujuru. President (Robert) Mugabe's recent support for the faction has given them confidence and they want to finish her (Mujuru) off," said one of the sources, who receive regular intelligence briefings on the dynamics in the ruling party.

The plotters, he said, have met several times and prepared a dummy docket after consulting with three high profile sympathizers (names withheld) in the judiciary and the Ministry of Justice headed by Mnangagwa.

The Mnangagwa team is also banking on support from Grace Mugabe to persuade her husband to approve the prosecution of Mujuru.

"It would be a real coup if Mugabe agrees to the plan. He has come a long way with Mai Mujuru to treat her like that, but then, nothing is impossible," added the source.

The Mnangagwa camp is reportedly working closely with disgruntled Indian and Kenyan investors with whom the Mujuru family partnered in running duty free shops at the Harare International Airport. It intends to use them as the complainants in the case.

According to recent reports in the state-controlled media, the investors poured $1 million into the venture. But the deal turned sour when a Mujuru business advisor complained that the partners were not bringing value to the business, resulting in them being booted out.

The investors are said to have approached Mnangagwa and his backers with their case when they learnt of the intensifying factional war. Information Minister, Jonathan Moyo, (who controls the state media) is said to be fighting for Mnangagwa, together with Water Minister Saviour Kasukuwere and Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa.

The media reports accused Mujuru of illegally receiving payments from the investors, and this, the sources said, forms the backbone of the charges being prepared.

It was not immediately clear if the aggrieved business partners were willing to take the witness stand, but the sources said they were taking advantage of the succession battles in Zanu (PF) to settle scores with Mujuru.

Mnangagwa, as usual, ignored several calls from The Zimbabwean, and Moyo, Kasukuwere and Chinamasa were not available to comment. But a weekly state newspaper, whose EMPLOYEES insist that Moyo is directing news against the Mujuru faction, implied that the vice president could indeed be prosecuted.

A recent front page report argued that only Mugabe was immune to prosecution. Critics maintain this could be a way of setting the agenda for Mujuru's prosecution.

Rugare Gumbo, the ruling party's information secretary who is reported to be siding with Mujuru, last week accused the Mnangagwa faction of using the public media to fight factional wars.

The sources said the plotters were banking on Mugabe's support for the prosecution and were in a dilemma about whether to rope in Police Commissioner Augustine Chihuri, who they have publicly accused in the state media of belonging to the Mujuru camp.

Grace Mugabe has repeatedly accused Mujuru of corruption, fraud and incompetence. Moyo, Kasukuwere and Mnangagwa featured prominently at her recent rallies, together with the outgoing secretary for women's affairs, Oppah Muchinguri .

Grace, while addressing a select group of war veterans recently, insinuated that Mnangagwa should take over the position of vice president from Mujuru, whom she openly urged to resign or face being expelled at congress.

Mujuru has insisted that she is innocent. At a Zanu (PF) politburo meeting last week where Mugabe was present, she is said to have challenged her rivals to provide evidence that she is corrupt.
Peering out at the narrow stretch of gunmetal grey sea separating the small harbour from an island at the southern tip of the vast Stockholm archipelago, Johannes gave a shrug.
“I am 99% sure there is something out there,” he said. “But I’m 100% sure they won’t find it. One tiny submarine has got the entire Swedish navy tied up, all 200 sailors, with neither the resources nor the weapons to deal with it.”

The 58-year-old Swedish naval commander, who asked not to be named, was having a day off on Tuesday, strolling along the sea wall in Nynäshamn, 25 miles (40km) south of Stockholm, while the fleet continued its search for a suspected Russian submarine.

Thirty years ago Johannes commanded a sonar-equipped craft that regularly responded to alleged Russian submarine incursions for more than a decade – a period when Sweden was routinely gripped with cold war panic.

“We knew they were there because we could see the traces they left on the sea floor,” he said.

But apart from a Soviet craft that ran aground near Karlskrona in 1981, they never found a single submarine.

Battleships, minesweepers, helicopters and more than 200 troops have scoured an area about 30km to 60km from the Swedish capital since Friday after reports of a “manmade object” in the water. Supreme Commander General Sverker Göranson told reporters on Tuesdaythere was “probable underwater activity” and that he was ready to use “armed force” to bring the vessel to the surface.

Sweden’s armed forces did not respond to requests to comment on media headlines that the navy had “made contact” and was “ready to bomb the object”.

Frantic efforts to locate the culprit have seen the navy crisscross the area in response to possible sightings. After the focus of the search shifted once again on Tuesday, a drenched Finnish camera crew returned to shore in Nynäshamn after their boat was swamped by the wake of a navy ship heading north.

Fishermen rubbed their hands at the chance to hire out their craft to the Scandinavian press pack for 1,200 kronor (£100) an hour. “It’s good business,” said Mats Nilsson, 47. “The local people pay no attention – the Russians have always been here, they never went away. That sub probably showed itself just to attract attention while the real operation takes place elsewhere.”

Despite the submarine hunt – and the media circus – locals seemed determined that life should go on as normal.

“We remember how they used to come here and drop depth charges on the mink and the herring, they never found anything,” says Lennard Lundqvist, 67, referring to research suggesting that early Soviet submarine scares were no more than bubbles and squeaks emitted by Baltic wildlife.

“The navy are more trouble than the Russians – they stop me setting my nets,” said Lundqvist, who has fished here for 40 years. Last year he strayed too close to the nearby Muskö naval base and was fined 2,600 kronor (£223).

Memories of the cold war are still fresh in this part of Sweden, and the period’s physical embodiment is on the island of Muskö, 30 minutes’ drive away. In the 1950s a cavernous underground naval base capable of withstanding a nuclear attack was created there. With 12 miles of subterranean roads, the complex – top-secret for decades – resembles a set from a James Bond movie.

The cloak-and-dagger excitement of the current submarine chase has seen Sweden’s media seize on scraps of information from the armed forces and public. Newspapers have hired helicopters to follow the search from the air. More than 100 sightings of “suspicious objects” have been reported.

The hype receded briefly after a “mysterious man in black”, allegedly sought by the secret services as a possible Russian special forces agent, turned out to be a pensioner called Ove who was doing a spot of angling. A photo of a submarine turned out to be of a Swedish one. A popular freesheet led its front page on Tuesday with remarks by a former commander-in-chief of the armed forces that there was no chance of finding a submarine: “We looked for 10 years and didn’t find one,” he told the paper.

Conspiracy theories are rife, given that the new minority government of Social Democrats and Greens presents its first budget . Already the new finance minister has pledged more money for Sweden’s military, apparently in response to the submarine panic, even though the Green party campaigned on defence cuts.

“It has been blown out of all proportion,” said Simon, 22, a telephone salesman from Gotland, the large Baltic island often seen as a possible point of entry for Russian forces into Sweden. “I can’t see what there is for the Russians there,” he said as he stepped off the ferry at Nynäshamn.

“No one is worried or even paying [the scare] any attention.” Emily, 34, a trainee nurse living on the island of Nämdö, had not even heard about it until she came to the mainland on Tuesday.

Olle Jatko, the officer in charge in Nynäshamn police station, was beaming. “We’ve seen it all before, it’s all calm in the town,” he said. “But Sweden must join Nato,” he added. “We need more money for the military.”
Britain’s leading Jewish organisation has accused Nigel Farage of putting Ukip’s credibility on the line by striking a deal with a far-right Polish party whose leader has a history of Holocaust denial and racist and misogynistic comments.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews said Farage had “very serious questions to answer” after the Ukip leader confirmed that an MEP from Poland’s Congress of the New Rightwould be allowed to join his European grouping.

Defending his decision, Farage said on Tuesday that he needed Robert Iwaszkiewicz to join his Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD) alliance to preserve its existence, as EU parliamentary groups were required to have at least 25 MEPs from seven different countries. The deal would guarantee that Ukip will would maintain about £1m a year in funding.

Farage told the BBC that he had never spoken to Iwaszkiewicz but he had found “nothing in this guy’s background to suggest that he is a political extremist at all”.

The Ukip leader also hit out at the European authorities for an “extraordinarily corrupt backroom deal” that meant the EFDD nearly had to fold when one of its MEPs, a Latvian, resigned.

“All of us in the European parliament have to make compromises to make sure our voice is heard,” he said. “I want us to have our voice. I want us to be heard. But I will not do it at any price, so if it came to a decision that do we cast Ukip to the outer darkness of the non-attached group, or do a deal with a known prominent extremist in Europe, I would not do that deal.”

The controversy erupted on the same day as Farage was fined £200 by the Electoral Commission for accidentally failing to declare that he had had free use of an office since 2001. And Ukip was forced to defend its new calypso theme tune as a “bit of fun” against accusations that the singer’s mock-Caribbean accent carried racist undertones.

Despite the Ukip leader’s defence of Iwaskiewicz, critics said it was unacceptable that the party was linking up with someone who belonged to a far-right party that was eschewed even by the Front National in France.

Iwaszkiewicz caused controversy when he reportedly said that hitting a woman could “help them come back down to earth”, which he later claimed had been a joke.

Jonathan Arkush, vice president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, said the his organisation was “gravely concerned by reports that Ukip may sit in the same parliamentary grouping as a far-right Polish MEP in a bid save its funding”.

Arkush added: “Robert Iwaszkiewicz belongs to an extremist party whose leader has a history of Holocaust denial, racist remarks and misogynistic comments. He belongs to the far-right Polish JKM [Congress of the New Right], led by Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who has reportedly called into question the right of women to have the vote.

“Furthermore, we entirely reject Ukip’s justification that ‘all groups in the European parliament have very odd bedfellows [and] the rules to get speaking time and funding are set by the EP, not Ukip’. Extremists and racists should be roundly rejected, not embraced. Even France’s far-right Front National rejected the JKM as being too extreme.

“ For Ukip to choose such a figure as Robert Iwaszkiewicz as a bedfellow, apparently for money, is beyond belief. Nigel Farage now has some very serious questions to answer. He has placed in issue the credibility of Ukip.”

Rafal Pankowski, an executive member of the Polish anti-racist group Never Again, said that the intervention of British Jewish groups followed many concerns from the Polish community.

“The Congress of the New Right’s leaders and leading members have often used anti-semitic stereotypes in their discourse and used the phrase Jewish communism many times in speeches and articles,” he said. “I am surprised by Ukip’s decision to get involved with the Congress. It shows that racist and anti-semitic statements are no barrier to Ukip.”

Korwin-Mikke, whose party has two remaining MEPs and received 7.5% support in Poland during May’s European parliamentary elections, is one of the most outspoken figures within the far-right groupings of parliament.

In July, he declared in English that the minimum wage should be “destroyed” and said that “four million niggers” lost their jobs in the US as a result of the US president John F Kennedy signing a bill on the minimum wage in 1961.

He went on to claim that 20 million young Europeans were being treated as “negroes” because of the minimum wage. He refused to apologise and was fined 10 days of allowances for his comments.

Korwin-Mikke has also called for the vote to be taken away from women, has claimed that the difference between rape and consensual sex was “very subtle” and has said that Adolf Hitler was “probably not aware that Jews were being exterminated”.

Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National, ruled out forming an alliance with the Congress of the New Right after the European elections. “[Korvin-Mikke’s] remarks, his political views, ran contrary to our values,” she said at the time.

The EFDD has been desperate to recruit a new MEP since last Thursday when Iveta Grigule, a Latvian member of the group, resigned. This meant that the group only had MEPs from six EU member states, just below the number needed to qualify for official group status.

Former UKIP MEP candidate, Shneur Zalman Odze, who is a rabbi, defended his party’s decision to ask Robert Iwaszkiewicz to join the EFDD Group.

“The only comment he made on Hitler was that he was an evil man who should have been executed,” he said. “Korwin-Mikke is not a member of the EFDD group.

“Both Ukip and EFDD Group abhors and rejects any scent of anti-Semitism. As a Jewish rabbi, I was number four on the Ukip north west MEP candidate list, and I can assure you in my many years in Ukip I have never once experienced any anti-semitism.”

He argued many political parties in the European parliament have “very odd bedfellows”.